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Digital Marketing

Internet Marketing Strategies for National Businesses

To succeed at internet marketing, you need the right talent, the right technology, and proven processes that get results for your national business. Boost your results instantly just by adopting these four processes for internet marketing. Understand Your Customers Your internet marketing efforts must start here, because if you skip this step, you risk sending … Continued

How To Define Your Digital Touchpoints

You often hear the phrase “digital touchpoint,” but what does this mean? Find out how to use and define touchpoints for marketing excellence. What are Digital Touchpoints? Broadly defined, digital touchpoints are any and every interaction that your business has with customers or leads. Taken as a whole, your touchpoints represent your customer experience. You … Continued

The Game Has Changed

It’s been a little over three years since I’ve actively worked in the field of web design and digital marketing. That being said, once your eyes are opened to the wonderful world of optimization, you are forever acutely tuned in to “good” and “bad” websites. As a consumer with enough knowledge to make me dangerous, … Continued

Digital Marketing for Distributors

Distributors are often left out of the conversation on digital marketing — which means they miss all of the benefits. If you’re seeking new customers, investing in digital marketing will get you found by serious prospects. Here’s what’s important for distributors to know about digital marketing. SEO is Key SEO or search engine optimization is … Continued

Ultimate SEO Horror Stories

As you may be aware, SEO can be a terrifying industry to work in at times. The simplest mistakes, even typos, can doom your website and turn away crucial traffic from your website. Today, we have put together for you our list of top horror stories regarding digital marketing to get us in the Halloween … Continued

The Millennial Effect on B2B Digital Marketing

Generations behave differently, and this extends to purchasing decisions. Millennials are increasingly being given purchasing power at work, which means your B2B marketing plans must accommodate this generation’s purchasing preferences. See how Millennials are affecting B2B marketing—and how your company must change. Millennials are Values-Driven Shoppers More than previous generations, Millennials support companies whose values … Continued

Google Sets HTTPS Deadline in 2018

A deadline set by Google is one you won’t want to miss or forget. Mark your calendars for July 2018, because that is the deadline for when Chrome will begin to warn users if a site is insecure. The most used web browser, Chrome, is taking part in alerting users if websites are or are … Continued

5 Keys to Developing Your B2B Digital Marketing Plan

The fact that Google has over 100 billion searches a month indicates how the behavior of buyers has changed. If your focus is on B2B marketing, you can no longer effectively reach buyers through methods like direct mail and telemarketing. The fact that your prospects are turning to online search to find companies like yours, … Continued

Digital Touchpoints – What Are They?

A “touchpoint” can be defined as any interaction that your company has with your prospects or customers.  These touchpoints taken collectively define the Customer Experience.  The better that experience is, the more likely it is that you’ll retain the customer or sell the prospect. At Upright, we work with clients on digital marketing initiatives and … Continued

Top Digital Marketing Strategies for Local Businesses

We get excited when anyone asks how us how we can help improve their overall digital marketing strategy! Regardless of whether you’re a small, medium or large-sized local business, digital marketing can help you gain more business and maximize your sales. For a local business doing most if not all their marketing, online, it’s important … Continued


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