Business SuccessBLOG

Google Sets HTTPS Deadline in 2018

By Jenn Sargeant

HTTPS DeadlineA deadline set by Google is one you won’t want to miss or forget. Mark your calendars for July 2018, because that is the deadline for when Chrome will begin to warn users if a site is insecure. The most used web browser, Chrome, is taking part in alerting users if websites are or are not secure. You may ask yourself, what difference does it make if a site is HTTP or HTTPS and the difference is big.

If your site is already a secure site then there is nothing for you to worry about. However, if your site is not secure then this is a task you’ll want to make sure gets completed. Chrome will clearly warn users if a site is not secure. Most people will not visit a secure website in fear of data being stolen, computer becoming hacked, etc. Even though your site is more than likely innocent of any internet wrongdoing, it will hurt your site visits and search results.

The entire purpose of a website for your business is to be found and to sell or promote product(s) or brand(s). If Google is penalizing your site in more ways than one and users are afraid to visit your site, then what is the point of your website? Elements of digital marketing have evolved and having a secure site is just one of the new normalities the industry will be facing going forward.

There are a handful paths you can take to make sure your site is secure and it can be a bit overwhelming. Upright Communications can help you diagnose your best method by scheduling a quick 15-minute phone call. Give us a call and let us help you choose your best HTTPS path.


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