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Web Analytics

Ranking Reports are Dying A Slow Death, So Watch Those Metrics!

A few months ago, I wrote a nice little article called “Don’t Sweat the Rankings So Much. Metrics is the Answer” where I offered a bit of advice to stop worrying so much about where you rank and start focusing more on metrics.  I predicted that in the next year or two, to be prepared … Continued

New Sales = Fast Lead Follow-up

The number one New Years Resolution for many business-to-business companies is to generate more qualified leads for their sales teams. Id like to add a second part to that resolution: follow-up fast with the leads that you receive. There was a great post recently on Bryan Eisenbergs blog, GrokDotCom, which detailed the poor state of … Continued

Don’t Sweat the Rankings So Much. Metrics is the Answer

It is a common practice of SEO companies to report on a client’s search engine rankings. For the most part, this has been an effective way to measure success. But what does a #1 ranking really guarantee? It doesn’t always guarantee traffic or sales. If you rank well for a keyword that no one is … Continued

Searchers are getting more specific it seems…

Google’s Analytics Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik recently discussed some interesting updates related to Google’s user stats and the trends they are seeing. Avinash said, “the average number of keywords per query has gone from 3 to 4 words per query on average for the first time ever!” How does that affect your site’s content?


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