Business SuccessBLOG

2013 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Website

The beginning of a new year finds most everyone in a mindset of what they can do to improve. Let this attitude permeate your thoughts on website strategy for 2013. In the days before online marketing, a business might publish a yearly catalog and not give much further thought to it until the next edition. Your website is dynamic, so you have the benefit of being able to make continuous improvements! If you have been stuck in a static mentality regarding your website, make a resolution to keep it fresh and interesting.

Fix Technical Problems

Things like broken links, typos, and poor images are easy to fix, but also easy to put on the back burner. While these small issues might not seem like a big deal, they convey a negative image of your business. It is well worth the time it takes to review each page of the website for glitches and get everything fixed.

Fill in the Gaps

If you have any areas of your website that lack content because you have not had time to get to it, now is the time to do so. Visitors are not likely to “check back later” to see if you have filled in those spots so make sure your information is available while you have their attention.

Update Your Company History

Does your company history still describe the same “ten years of experience” that it did ten years ago? Are you still using a concept drawing for your facility image years after its opening? Be sure to update your company data and images to convey the most up-to-date information and to put forth the best impression.

Review Your Message

Take a look at your website from the perspective of someone who is unfamiliar with your business. Make sure it clearly and concisely describes all of your products and services. Your message should also include what distinguishes you from your competition and tell prospective customers what you have to offer them.

Evaluate Website Usability

How easy is it for a new user to navigate your website and find what they need? As new pages and information are added over time, it is easy for a website to become disorganized and confusing. Your website should have a logical flow that leads prospects clearly through your site to the action you wish them to take.

Add New Content

The best way to get your website noticed not only by prospective customers but also by search engines is to regularly add new, useful content to your site. Consider adding a Frequently Asked Questions section or more in depth product information. If you have a blog, post regularly about topics that will be of interest to your customers.

Make a Plan

Your website New Year’s resolutions should not only consist of a review in January, but developing a schedule for tweaks and updates throughout the year. Remember, if you need any assistance in any of these areas, the Upright Team is ready and available to help you make this year your best year ever for effective website lead conversion!