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Give Your Local Email Marketing Campaign a Boost

email marketingIs your local email marketing campaign delivering the results you want? If not, you may be considering giving up on email as marketing strategy. Before you do that, there are things you should consider.

Even as digital communication continues to evolve, email is still a widely used communications tool:

  • According to data from Statista, by 2019, the number of email users worldwide is forecasted to reach 2.9 billion.
  • Data from Radicati reveals that nearly 80% of all U.S. email accounts were consumer email accounts.

Instead of trashing your local email marketing campaign, here are some ways you can give it a boost:

Skip the Pitch and Make an Offer

If your emails are not generating much interest, it might be that you are not providing any motivation for opening them. Instead of sending a sales message, offering a coupon or discount. According to an Experian email marketing report, researchers found a “50 percent year-over-year increase in the number of campaigns with coupons or offer codes mentioned in the email.” These emails out performed other promotional mailings on open, click, and transaction rates, and resulted in 48 percent higher revenue per email.

Talk it Up on Social Media

Whether your email messages include offers for information, coupons, or announcements about sales events, social media can be a great way to highlight your local email marketing campaign. Teasing your social medial audience with reports of the inside deals and scoops they will get as a subscriber will encourage new sign-ups.

Segment Your Email Campaign

According to Mail Chimp, segmented campaigns have a 14.31% higher open rated than non-segmented campaigns. Segmenting lets you deliver a more targeted message to individual groups within your email list. Mail Chimp allows you to segment by sign-up date, interest, or user activity.

Get Personal & Local

According to a recent Experian benchmark report, “brands that included personalized subject lines experienced 27 percent higher unique click rates, 11 percent higher click-to-open rates and more than double the transaction rate compared with other promotional mailings.” Getting local in your subject line is also advantageous. Including some local detail in your subject line will let your prospects know as scanning their inboxes that your message is likely to meet their local shopping needs.

Need some assistance with starting or improving a local email marketing campaign? Contact the Upright team to discuss ideas and proven strategies.