Business SuccessBLOG

Five Goals You Can Reach with Content Marketing

By Erin Meyer

What Is Content Marketing?

Connecting from tablet to online content

If you read website development and digital marketing blogs these days, you are probably seeing a lot about “content” and “content marketing.” In the simplest terms, content refers to the text, images, and information that populates a website. But is that really all there is to content and content marketing?

The Content Marketing Institute describes content marketing this way:

“Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

Rather than talking at your prospects with a hard pitch for your products and services, content marketing invites them to come to you for a conversation. Developing content is about creating useful and relevant copy and information that will help your customers and prospects solve their problems and meet their business goals.

The Upright Approach to Content Marketing

Our team develops customized digital marketing programs that are buyer guided. We believe in an approach that begins with talking directly to our clients’ customers through buyer interviews. These conversations help us to understand many things, including what buyers are looking for when they research purchases. This information allows us to develop customized content and develop content marketing strategies that attract prospects and start them on the buyer journey.

Five Goals Achievable Through Content Marketing

We have looked at content and content marketing in a general sense; now let’s talk about specific goals you can reach with your content marketing strategies. Here are five key benefits that can ultimately help you grow and expand your business:

  • Raising Awareness – Strategic content shared on social media platforms lets people know about your business, products, and services. Example: Make posts that simply share information about topics relating to your business.
  • Engaging Prospects – Finding ways to get your audience to interact with you helps to establish a relationship with your prospects. Example: Ask questions in your social posts and invite people to share their answers.
  • Generating Leads – Your digital marketing program is an extension of your sales force. You can capture and qualify leads that are likely to become customers. Example: Offer a free ebook that customers download in exchange for contact information.
  • Promoting Loyalty – Use content to keep your current customers interested in and trusting of your business. Examples: Offer incentives to make additional purchases or provide a reward for referrals.
  • Increasing Profits – Strategically developed content moves prospects along in the sales journey toward becoming buyers. Example: Follow up on those ebook downloads with an offer for a special offer or a discount on a purchase.

Are you looking for ways to develop business and increase sales?

We would love to talk to you about how content marketing and our other custom digital marketing strategies can help you reach your goals.


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