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Search Engine Marketing

Why Website Load Time Matters For Rank

Site speed and page load times are important factors for both search engine rankings and usability. Optimizing your website load time is one of the most cost effective ways to make sure as many people as possible are viewing your content. According to the Aberdeen group even a one-second slower page load time leads to an 11 percent drop in … Continued

How does SEO fit into an overall marketing strategy?

It’s not easy for every business to grasp. Your website and your competitor’s website are nothing like billboards or TV ads that invade your life. Websites put your customer in control and when they’re done, one click and your website is gone. It can make online marketing difficult to grasp and easy to undervalue.  So, … Continued

Penguin 4.0 has arrived at Google in 2016, and it’s all grown up!

The last update to Google’s Penguin update was Version 3.0, which landed back in 2014.  Last time Google said penguin would affect less than 1% of US/UK searches.  With that being the case, then Penguin has definitely grown up in 4.0.  Google announced the new version on September 23rd, 2016, stating that Penguin is now … Continued

Local Keyword Ranking Reports – What they are and what they’re not.

In online marketing, certain reports become a point of fixation for marketers and business owners alike. Keyword Ranking reports are one of those reports that tend to look extremely valuable, but actually tend to leave out a lot information.  If you’re unfamiliar with ranking reports, they are snapshots of how your website is appearing in … Continued

Measuring Site Usability

Did you know that site usability is one of the most important facets to a website? In fact, so important that it ‘outranks’ your sites rankings.  Even if your top keywords rank well, if the site doesn’t flow and work for the potential customer, then you have lost their business. There are several crucial things … Continued

Two Resources for Mobile Optimization

The significance of mobile friendly search has been an SEO focal point for awhile now, and the importance of this trend seems only to be getting stronger. As we recently reported, 57% of users are accessing search engines using a mobile device, and a quarter of U.S. users report using only their mobile devices for online search. Google … Continued

Does Facebook have SEO Leverage in 2016?

Yes! Small medium business owners (and SEO professionals) everywhere are celebrating this new development. Finally, Facebook postings and videos now populate in Google. This is a really big, groundbreaking development for SEO and business owners. For the longest time the only social media platforms that offered some sort of SEO leverage were YouTube and Google … Continued

Title Tags – Quick SEO & Usability Tips

One of the most important, and often neglected, content elements on a web page is the title tag. Title tags are used to define the page, and are often pulled by search engines for use as a description of the page for listings on the search engine results pages (SERPs). The title tag is meant to … Continued

Smart Campaigns Elect to Use Online Marketing

Every election year it seems to be suggested that the dirty campaign tactics and nasty attack ads are unprecedented. Many historians would argue that dirty campaigns are nothing new, pointing to the 1828 U.S. presidential election, during which there was no shortage of mud-slinging between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. If we are looking for … Continued


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