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Conversion Optimization

The Importance of Site Usability

Site usability is a very important facet of web development, perhaps one of the most important. No matter how well your website ranks in the search engines, if using your website is confusing, your visitors will not use your website. There are a number of things to consider when discussing site usability, such as browser … Continued

Upright Attends Cut & Paste Design Competition

The first Cut&Paste digital design competitionwas held in New York City in 2005. It has grown massively since. Today, preliminary rounds are held in each of 12 cities worldwide — with winners competing in the Global Championship in NYC each year. This past Saturday, I was in attendance for the Los Angeles qualifying round of … Continued

How Does My Website Look On Different Computers & Mobile Devices?

We receive this question all the time.  Often it starts with the line, “I checked the website from home and ______ was different…” Good web designers and developers do a considerable amount of testing before launching a new website — using tools to simulate the view of the website on different computers (various resolutions), different … Continued

Tuesday Tip: Get A FASTER Website

Loading…loading…………loading………………………….. Do you dream of a faster website for your business? A fast-loading website: – Earns better rankings in Google (Announcement from Google) – Earns better ad placement when using Google Adwords paid advertising – Improves satisfaction in site visitors (They get the info they need faster!) – Increases the number of pages one visitor … Continued

Tuesday Tip: ACT NOW to Improve Visitor Response

A great way to build a database of potential customers is to use your website to generate a list of interested prospects. An effective visitor response form on your website will do the job, if you follow these quick and simple tips that will get visitors to ACT NOW: Above the Fold – It is … Continued

Bing & Yahoo Alliance in 2010: Key Facts

Starting this week, Yahoo search results have a new label: “Powered by Bing.”  What?!  Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing once were two search engines vying for 2nd in market share, behind all-powerful Google.  Their limited alliance —  centered upon Yahoo’s adoption of Bing’s search technology and advertising display — is a major attempt to offset Google’s … Continued

Website Testimonials – Why Publish Them?

I didn’t grow up here in Los Angeles, so I’m still trying new restaurants around town.  It’ll take me a long time, eh?  To cut losses, I count on sites like and to read Testimonials by people who have already eaten what I’m sniffin’.  Crucial restaurant questions are answered: how long was the … Continued

Low-Cost Site Usability Testing

1,000,000 visitors are useless…if none becomes a sales lead. So Upright designs sites for easy navigation, integrating keywords logically to provide the solution to each visitor.  We analyze visitor behaviors monthly to uncover areas of statistical difficulty.  And as weak spots are suspected, we utilize Google Website Optimizer and live usability tests.  (Notably, we code … Continued

Web Site Usability Testing – Overview

A usability study or usability test is a great way to learn from a sample of real people to provide a better user experience with your web site. When you work closely on a project, sometimes it’s difficult to take a step back and view a web page or site as a normal user would. … Continued


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